Integral Power Panel

Ginny WhitelawCognitive, Conversations, Editor's Picks, Ethical, How should we relate to the social justice movement?, Leadership, Lifestyle, Moral, Perspectives, Video, World Affairs 2 Comments

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“The measure of a man is what he does with power.”Plato
I look forward to a great future for America – a future in which our country will match its military strength with our moral restraint, its wealth with our wisdom, its power with our purpose.John F. Kennedy

Join panelists Ginny Whitelaw, Roger Walsh, Jeff Salzman, Gail Hochachka, and Bert Parlee in this far-ranging discussion about power — how to relate to it, how to wield it, and how to avoid getting trampled by it. Let’s explore how we might go about better integrating power in our selves and in society, deepening our wisdom and virtue as we work together to meet the great challenges and opportunities of our time.

If you haven’t already seen it, we highly recommend that you check out Robb Smith’s keynote address, A New War for Power, before watching this panel.

Topics include:

  • How does the recent cultural conversation around power resonate for you personally?
  • Where do we go from here? What does the world look like in 10 years?
  • How do we take more responsibility for our power in a democratic society?
  • How can we communicate about power in a way that cuts through the noise of our culture wars?
  • How do we re-integrate our own dissociated power?
  • What can we do about gun violence?
  • How can we be more realistic about the great dangers of this historic era?
  • How do we exercise our power in more conscious ways?


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Ginny Whitelaw

About Ginny Whitelaw

Dr. Ginny Whitelaw is both a leadership expert and roshi (Zen master) in the Chozen-ji line of Rinzai Zen. She is the author of The Zen Leader, and founder of the Institute for Zen Leadership. She is also the President of Focus Leadership, and has taught and coached in global leadership programs for nearly 20 years. Formerly deputy manager for integrating NASA’s Space Station Program, she has a PhD in biophysics as well as a fifth degree black belt in Aikido.

Roger Walsh

About Roger Walsh

Roger Walsh, M.D., Ph.D., has spent nearly a quarter century researching and practicing in the world's great spiritual traditions. His critically acclaimed book, Essential Spirituality, is a summary of that wisdom, outlining the seven spiritual practices common to the world's major religions.

Jeff Salzman

About Jeff Salzman

Jeff Salzman worked with Ken Wilber for several years in building the Integral Institute. He is a co-founder of Boulder Integral, the first bricks-and-mortar venue dedicated to the development of integral consciousness. These days Jeff provides integrally-inspired commentary on politics and culture on Integral Life and The Daily Evolver.

Gail Hochachka

About Gail Hochachka

Gail has 20 years of experience bridging research and practice in sustainable development in Africa, Latin America and North America. Her enduring interest is on how to better understand and integrate the human dimensions of global environmental change, in approaches that are commensurate with the complexity of the issues today.

Bert Parlee

About Bert Parlee

Bert is a clinical psychologist, executive coach, leadership training and YPO facilitator, and former Chief of Staff of Ken Wilber’s Integral Institute. While still serving clinical populations, Bert’s current workload usually consists of assisting executives and executive leadership teams in their efforts to secure next levels of performance. Prior to his graduate work in psychology and psychotherapy, Bert’s undergraduate honors degree was in political science with an emphasis on International Relations.

Robb Smith

About Robb Smith

Robb Smith is a leading thinker on the Transformation Age and the global Integral movement. He is the creator of the augmented leadership platform Context, co-founder and CEO of Integral Life and founder of the Institute of Applied Metatheory.


  1. Avatar

    Hello, I think David R. Hawkins’ distinction between Force (usually mistaken for Power) and real Power (Spiritual) would be very useful in making the conversation, and ideas, feelings, etc. a lot clearer…

  2. Avatar

    I appreciate their comments about power but I do not like to hear their critical comments about Trump; Clinton would have not a better choice for this country

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