eff invited Brooke McNamara to the Daily Evolver to talk about a project she is launching that we think represents a new way of building creative we-spaces. It’s called Write to the Heart of Motherhood a 6-week virtual course that provides inspiration, community and an opportunity for creative self-expression to a select group of people who are living in a unique crucible: mothers.
“The unique terrain of mothering is always, already shaping us into ripe and powerful writers: we are tired so we are funny and real; we are in love so we are tender; we are damn strong so we have conviction. I want to bring our ordinary, extraordinary realities out of hiding and into view, for ourselves, each other, and the greater public if we so choose. This is my activism. This can be your activism. This is a chance to know and be known by each other, amazing mamas.”Brooke McNamara
Brooke developed the course, Write to the Heart of Motherhood because, as a poet, she knows writing to be a flexible and potent way for mothers to “connect to our true voice in the middle of our messy lives.” She explains:
“The practice of writing is not something I do, but somewhere I go. When I give myself fully to whole-bodied listening for poems, I am never disappointed. Even if nothing comes, the tuning itself creates a presence and vitality in my being that support me profoundly in living and mothering. Poetry, for me, is language that carries both meaning, imagery and story, AND, more importantly, life force itself.”
Brooke’s new course, Write to the Heart of Motherhood, begins on March 4th and will run for six weeks. It’s not too late to sign up! Click here to learn more and register.
You can also listen to this episode on both our free podcast and member podcast!
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Image: Dissolution 2 by Pamela Sukhum [+view gallery]
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Armed Insanity: Getting Real About Guns and Criminality
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About Brooke McNamara
Brooke McNamara is the author of “Feed Your Vow, Poems for Falling into Fullness.” She is also a performing artist, Zen monk and mama to two small boys. She lives in Boulder, Colorado with her husband, Rob.

About Jeff Salzman
Jeff Salzman worked with Ken Wilber for several years in building the Integral Institute. He is a co-founder of Boulder Integral, the first bricks-and-mortar venue dedicated to the development of integral consciousness. These days Jeff provides integrally-inspired commentary on politics and culture on Integral Life and The Daily Evolver.