This conversation explores how love evolves alongside human development, revealing how our relationships reflect and shape our consciousness. Through personal stories, integral psychology, and esoteric wisdom, Kimberley Theresa Lafferty, Dr. Daniel Stickler, and Dr. Mickra Hamilton uncover how intimacy, shadow work, and sacred partnership can become profound paths of transformation and awakening.
Escaping the Drama Triangle: Presence, Problem-Solving, and Relational Mastery
Dr. Keith Witt and Corey deVosCorey deVos and Dr. Keith Witt explore one of the most common yet misunderstood aspects of human interaction: the tension between drama and problem-solving. They dive deeply into the “Drama Triangle,” a psychological framework that reveals how the roles of victim, rescuer, and persecutor trap us in cycles of dysfunction. These dynamics, while often personal, are also embedded in cultural systems, politics, and even therapy itself.
Spiritual Intelligence: 21 Skills for Wisdom, Compassion, and Love in Action
Cindy Wigglesworth, John Dupuy and Roger WalshCindy Wigglesworth, trailblazer in the field of spiritual intelligence, has created an assessment tool that identifies our spiritual strengths and weaknesses — qualities that fall outside the traditional IQ or emotional intelligence (EQ) parameters — in order to provide a guide for determining which skills we as individuals need to develop in order to show up in the world as love in action.
Sexual Healing: A Beginner’s Guide to Integral Sex Therapy
Dr. Keith Witt and Corey deVosDr. Keith Witt and Corey deVos explore the transformative world of integrally informed sex therapy—a holistic approach that combines romantic, scientific, and spiritual perspectives to address the unique complexities of modern relationships. This episode offers profound insights into creating and sustaining a fulfilling, dynamic love affair that extends beyond physical intimacy, tailored to the unique needs of every relationship.
Reintegrating DEI: Beyond the Culture Wars
Keith Martin-SmithKeith Martin-Smith explains the developmental levels in detail that allowed DEI to form in the first place, as well as the levels from which DEI is often expressed (and resisted) from, allowing us to more clearly see and understand the cultural wars we are all experiencing.
The 8 Horizons of Love
Corey deVos and Dr. Keith WittIn this episode of Witt and Wisdom, Corey deVos introduces a comprehensive relationships framework he is currently developing, designed to help partners navigate the staggering complexity of our relationships — whether romantic, familial, or platonic. Corey highlights the eight fundamental territories or horizons within which all relationships unfold, detailing the common factors, everyday examples, key questions, common challenges, and the risks of neglecting each of these horizons.
The Many Within: Understanding IFS and Self Integration
Dr. Keith Witt and Corey deVosDr. Keith Witt and Corey deVos discuss Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy, an approach developed by Richard Schwartz in the 1980s that recognizes the multiplicity of the human psyche. IFS works with the different parts of the personality to promote psychological health, wholeness, and ongoing development.
Healing the Infosphere: How Integral Journalism Can Elevate Public Discourse
Stefan Schultz and Corey deVosCorey deVos talks to Stefan Schultz, a journalist at Der Spiegel magazine, about his model for integral journalism that he has been developing over the past few years. This model, staggering in both its depth and its breadth, examines journalism and media literacy through a developmental lens, looking at how the infosphere shapes society and how journalism can positively influence this process.
The Art of Integral Conversation: How to Have a Turquoise Dialectic
Dr. Keith Witt and Corey deVosDr. Keith Witt and Corey deVos explore the concept of “turquoise dialectic” – a sophisticated form of integral discourse that emerges at the later stages of human development. Drawing upon their deep understanding of adult development and integral theory, they explore the feeling and transformative potential of the turquoise “we-space”, and how we might create the conditions for this type of conversation to unfold.
The Lost Art of Adulthood: Reviving Our Rites of Passage
Luke Entrup and Keith Martin-SmithIn this episode, Keith and Luke Entrup discuss the necessity of reintroducing formal rites of passage for our children, not as a fun thing to do with your kid but as something vital for their development – a piece most of us missed and have had to make up for throughout our lives.
CANCELLED: The Battle for Free Speech in the Integral Age
Dr. Keith Witt and Corey deVosKeith Witt and Corey delve into the complex and contentious issue of cancel culture, examining its implications for free speech, academic freedom, and social cohesion. They explore why understanding the nuances of cancel culture is crucial in today’s polarized environment, and how an Integral perspective can provide a more comprehensive view that embraces complexity, encourages growth, and seeks balance.
The Seven Deadly Sins of DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion)
Keith Martin-SmithJoin Keith Martin-Smith as we question whether DEI initiatives are achieving their intended goals of increasing diversity, equity, and inclusion, or whether they may be perpetuating any number of unseen biases that take us further away from those shared goals. Are we oversimplifying the narrative around privilege and diversity? How do factors like poverty impact issues like police violence? How might we rethink and reshape the DEI discourse, moving towards more skillful (and more integral) approaches?
The Psychology of Splitting
Dr. Keith Witt and Corey deVosWatch as Dr. Keith and Corey explore the psychological process of splitting, revealing how awareness and regulation of these processes can lead to a more health and healing, as well as to a more integrated and resilient self. By acknowledging the nuanced nature of our emotional responses and learning to navigate them with compassion and mindfulness, we open the door to deeper self-understanding and more harmonious relationships with others.
How to Awaken and Empower the Integral Man
Keith Martin-Smith and Jason LangeKeith Martin-Smith and Jason Lange explore the challenges and ongoing evolution of masculinity. Watch as they delve into topics such as the impact of societal norms on men’s behavior, the importance of emotional intelligence, and the journey from traditional to more integrated forms of masculinity, bringing a wealth of insights to help men navigate their roles and identities in a rapidly changing social landscape.
The Power of Vulnerability: Embracing an Integrated Masculinity
Keith Martin-SmithIn this insightful discussion, Keith Martin-Smith addresses the misconceptions around male vulnerability, emphasizing its role as a source of strength and authenticity. He explores the transformative impact of embracing vulnerability on men’s emotional health, relationships, and societal perceptions of masculinity.
Why Greater Depth Means Greater Responsibility
Dr. Keith Witt and Corey deVosWatch as Dr. Keith Witt and Corey deVos delve into the profound interdependence between human development and responsibility, exploring how our deepening self-awareness shapes our relationships and societal roles in an ever-evolving world. At the heart of the discussion is the compelling notion that as we evolve in our understanding and self-awareness, we bear a greater onus to guide, uplift, and positively influence those around us. This responsibility is especially important in the realm of relationships, where the path to trust and understanding is often fraught with challenges, yet rich with opportunities for growth.
Sentio Ergo Sum: The Emotional Line of Development
Joanne RubinIntegral Theory is described as a “nondual” developmental paradigm, where ontology and epistemology are paired constructively, and in which developing consciousness is sourced by thought, feeling, and states of consciousness. Emotional and cognitive development intertwine within ego development, and ego is defined by its coordinating and self-identifying functions. Following a review of the literature on emotions and emotional development, criteria are proposed for preconventional, conventional, and post-conventional levels of emotional development.
Sex, Identity, Gender: Beyond Wokism and Trumpism
Corey deVos and Keith Martin-SmithJoin us as we push even further into the front lines of the culture war skirmishes that have become so plentiful over the last several years. Corey deVos joins Keith to discuss how our notions of sex, gender, and identity apply to some of the most contentious and pressing issues of our time, and how they can be integrated into a more integral dialectic.
The Art and Science of the Intentional Love Affair
Dr. Keith Witt and Corey deVosDr. Keith Witt and Corey deVos delve into the intricacies of intimate relationships, exploring the concept of “intentional love affairs” and how they can be cultivated to deepen connection and intimacy. They discuss the importance of fostering better friendships, nurturing love affairs, and developing the ability to solve problems so effortlessly that they may not even appear as conflicts to others.
Peace, Love, and Politics: A Campaign to Transform America
Marianne Williamson, Mark Fischler and Corey deVosIn this episode of Integral Justice Warrior we are joined by special guest, longtime friend, and Presidential candidate Marianne Williamson to take an inside look at her campaign and the core principles of love, peace, and compassion that it is built upon.
What Makes Us Happy? Growing Toward Anti-Fragility
Dr. Keith Witt and Corey deVosJoin Keith and Corey in this enriching dialogue, as they bring forth an integral perspective on the pressing issue of mental health and resilience among youth, and explore the transformative potential of anti-fragility and the happiness strategies that can empower us to create a brighter future for ourselves and the generations to come.
How Self-Hatred Can Lead to Self Transformation
Dr. Keith Witt and Corey deVosDr. Keith and Corey explore how feelings of self-hatred and self-loathing, when combined with compassionate self-awareness and the natural resilience of Witness consciousness, can help us overcome our resistance to change and put us back on the path of increasing wholeness, happiness, and self-acceptance. It’s an incredibly powerful discussion that we hope will help you better navigate some of these darkest corners of your own psyche.
How Attachment Theory Can Improve Your Relationships
Dr. Keith Witt and Corey deVosAs Dr. Keith often reminds us, “Everything is relationships.” And the earliest relationships we form in our lives often set the tone and cadence for all the other relationships we will ever form in our lives. The coping strategies we learn in preadolescence become our inner compass later in life, and our efforts as grownups can often be seen as expressions, compensations, or substitute gratifications for the sense of security we may or may not have felt as children.
Transcending and Including Our Current Way of Being: An Introduction to Integral Coaching
Joanne HuntThis article provides an introduction to the Integral Coaching® method developed by Joanne Hunt and Laura Divine, founders of Integral Coaching Canada, Inc. A brief introduction to the field of coaching is offered using the four quadrants to appreciate the underlying assumptions of how change occurs and how schools of coaching have approached the rapidly growing field of adult development. Further delineation of Integral Coaching Canada’s use of subject-object theory and a “transcend and include” developmental model is provided and resides at the root of this school’s AQAL approach to change.
How to Thrive During the Holidays
Lisa Frost and Kevin SnorfHolidays can be tough. For many the holiday season can be the some of the most hectic and challenging weeks of the year. Join Lisa and Kevin for a look at not just how to survive the holidays, but how to genuinely thrive and deepen your commitment to practice.
Taking Justice Personally
Mark Fischler and Corey deVosMark and Corey offer an intimate sharing of their personal stories, reflecting on some of the most formative experiences in their own lives that influenced their interest and enactment of justice. It is a tender and heartfelt conversation that we hope not only allows you to better understand their own passions and perspectives, but also invites you to reflect in a similar way on the critical fulcrums in your own life, and how these experiences continue to shape your standards of goodness, integrity, and justice.
How Healthy Relationships Manage Conflict
Dr. Keith Witt and Corey deVosDr. Keith and Corey discuss “post-issue relationships” — relationships where both partners have the awareness and skill to stay connected in warmth and acceptance all the time, where challenges such as irritation, anxiety, doubt, guilt, and frustration can be transmuted into problem solving and warm feelings towards each other.
Awakening Joy: Life Skills for Living, Loving, and Serving Life to the Full
James Baraz, Roger Walsh and John DupuyJames’ teachings take us deeply into states like gratitude and compassionate presence, to where we can focus our attention on how it feels to feel good somatically, thereby creating new neural pathways that strengthen awareness and aliveness. James has witnessed a lot of people learn to love themselves and turn their lives around as a result of this teaching.
An Integral Approach to Parenting in the First Three Years of a Child’s Life
Miriam Mason MartineauThis article provides an introduction to the possible span and depth considered when applying an Integral approach to parenting during early childhood. The relationship between Integral Theory and the practice of parenting is addressed, and key principles and concepts that underlie Integral Parenting are discussed. The task of parenting is placed within an evolutionary context and presented as a possible Integral practice. Ken Wilber’s Integral Theory serves as an inspiration and organizing matrix.
Adverse Childhood Experiences: Overview, Response Strategies, and Integral Theory
Heather LarkinResearchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have been involved in an ongoing collaboration with Kaiser Permanente’s Department of Preventive Medicine, where they have designed a large and epidemiologically sound study exploring the role of “adverse childhood experiences” (ACEs) on social and health outcomes later in life. This research brings a distinct and compelling relationship between ACEs, health risk behaviors, and physical and mental health into awareness. This article outlines these research findings, pointing also to the role of ACEs in homelessness and criminal justice involvement and addressing service delivery implications. Integral Theory is used to explain ACEs as an underlying syndrome, and Integral Restorative Processes is presented as a useful and flexible intervention model to guide a comprehensive and effective response.
Armed Insanity: Getting Real About Guns and Criminality
Jeff SalzmanJeff Salzman shares our collective outrage and heartbreak over the shooting of the Texas schoolchildren and teachers, and offesr some hope that this time it will be different, that this shooting will heighten a social pain-point – unstable young men equipped with weapons of war – sufficiently to transcend political polarities.
What’s Wrong With Education (And How Can We Fix It?)
Mark Fischler and Corey deVosBroken education produces broken people. How can integral perspectives and practices help our education systems generate more happy, healthy, and wholesome kids? Watch as Mark and Corey take a close look at the many dysfunctions, injustices, and failures we see in our education system — both within the system (how and what kids are being taught) as well as surrounding the system (access to education, funding, etc.).
An Integral Approach to Affective Education
Frank MarreroThe author uses twelve AQAL dimensions of education as described by Sean Esbjörn-Hargens to approximate a “report card” for evaluating any curriculum with an affective focus. This completeness is not just an academic exercise but shows the practicality and advantage of an Integral approach in the real world. Four affective educational models will also be examined using Integral perspectives. The features of these programs will be measured using an example of an Integral assessment of their strengths, foci, and weaknesses.
Inhabit: Your Heart
Corey deVos, Ryan Oelke and Rollie StanichWatch as Corey deVos, Ryan Oelke, and special guest Rollie Stanich explore the vast and tender territories of the Integral Heart. This is an invitation to continue opening your own most Integral heart, and allow it to infuse and inform all of our actions and interactions together — to lead our lives with both wisdom and compassion, with both discernment and tenderness, with both insight and humility — so that we may use our integral minds and hearts to recognize, appreciate, and incorporate the partial truths that each of us are trying to bring to each other.
How to Manage Passive Aggression
Dr. Keith Witt and Corey deVosWatch as Dr. Keith and Corey explore the many ways passive aggression, anger, and codependence create more separation between people and degrade our capacity for love, while assertive processing of anger creates more intimacy and safety. Learning how to take a pause before aggressive or passive-aggressive action gives the opportunity to cross-validate through all four quadrants, and to take our overall kosmic address into account.
Practice the Wound of Love
Ken Wilber and Corey deVosWatch as Ken and Corey explore the ongoing unfoldment of love along the paths of Waking Up, Growing Up, Opening Up, Cleaning Up, and Showing Up. What follows is one of the most powerful, transformative, and touching conversations that Ken Wilber has ever recorded.
Grace and Grit: From Book to Film to Practice
Sebastian Siegel and Nomali PereraExplore the topic of grace and grit as something we all need in order to live purposefully, face challenges, and birth our dreams in the same way Ken and Treya exemplified in this profound story of transcendent love.
The Art of Practice: Forgiveness Made Easy
Barbara Hunt, Lisa Frost and Corey deVosTo authentically forgive — what Barbara describes as “the absolute refusal to hold ill will against someone for what they did or didn’t do” — can actually be tremendously challenging. Fortunately Barbara Hunt is with us to help make it simple. Watch as Barbara talks to Lisa and Corey about forgiveness as an integral “master practice” — a practice that scaffolds and supports the rest of our various waking up, growing up, cleaning up, and showing up practices.
Heartbreak in Boulder: Finding Meaning in the Wake of Tragedy
Mark Fischler, Jeff Salzman, Nomali Perera and Corey deVosOn March 22nd, a mass shooting took place at the King Soopers grocery store in Boulder, Colorado which claimed the lives of 10 people. What follows is a heart-full conversation that invites all of us to bring more awareness to the full spectrum of emotion that is likely moving through all of us right now, a much-needed reminder that the integral heart is big enough for all of this, because it is a heart that is both utterly unbreakable, as well as always-already broken.
Illuminating Shadow: Family, Community, and Relationship
Dr. Keith Witt and Corey deVosCorey and Keith are joined by a very special guest, Keith’s daughter Zoe Witt, for this tremendously touching exploration of shadow in family, in relationships, and in the Integral community itself.
Welcome to the Party! Celebrating Race as a Mutually-Shared Experience
Mark Palmer, Diane Musho Hamilton, Corey deVos and Rob McNamaraIntegralist Mark Palmer proposes that our conversations all need to be more imbued with joy, with play, and with celebration of our differences.
Integrating Shadow
Ken Wilber and Corey deVosKen and Corey offer a stunning overview of the psychological shadow. Ken describes several different kinds of shadow, how shadow can show up differently in all four quadrants, and the relationship between shadow, violence, and social transformation.
The Heart of Conversation
Diane Musho Hamilton and Ken WilberDiane talks to Ken Wilber about her new book, Compassionate Conversations, which takes an intimate look at many of these cultural fault lines — power, privilege, identity, systemic racism, political correctness, collective shadows, etc. — and suggests a more skillful, artful, and heartful way to facilitate these conversations, to honor our unique differences, and to reaffirm our underlying unity.
Supporting Development in Adolescents
Dr. Keith Witt and Corey deVosWatch as Dr. Keith and Corey take a close look at a critical phase of our own development, noting all of the things that can go right (and many of the things that can go wrong) during this period of growth, and how we can be more supportive and responsive to the needs of our own children as they navigate this turbulent period of their lives.
How to Have More Compassionate Conversations
Diane Musho Hamilton, Gail Hochachka and Corey deVosIn this episode of Integral Justice Warrior we are joined by Gabe Wilson, co-author of Compassionate Conversations: How to Speak and Listen from the Heart, co-written with Diane and Kim Loh. In this discussion we explore many of the central themes of the book, helping all of us learn how to de-escalate conflicts and tensions, and to communicate with far more presence, empathy, skill, and grace.
From Trauma to Transcendence
Dr. Keith WittThis practice will help you cultivate the courage to face your trauma, discover an unbreakable source of resilience and empathy within yourself, and find deeper meaning in your suffering — so that you yourself can become a source of strength and healing for the rest of the world.
Overcome Frustration by Accepting What is Happening, Right Now
Integral LifeAre you angry, upset or frustrated by a situation in the world, or perhaps someone in your life? Are you having trouble accepting some circumstance in your life? Learn to address it constructively by practicing acceptance in the face of difficult feelings. This one minute practice can help you do so.
Working With Collective Trauma
Dr. Keith Witt and Corey deVosCollective trauma is more than the sum aggregate of all our our individual traumas. It is a trauma that exists between us, rather than within us individually, and requires different kinds of interventions and rehabilitations in order to treat.
Love in the Time of Corona
Diane Musho Hamilton, Gail Hochachka, Rob McNamara and Corey deVosJoin Diane, Gail, Rob, Corey, and special guest Cindy Lou Golin for a very special discussion about the coronavirus pandemic and how to manage the tremendous fear, anxiety, and uncertainty that can arise from it. We also explore some of the hopeful opportunities and wisdoms that are being brought to the surface by our new set of global life conditions, as well as some of the possible paths toward anti-fragility that our society can take in the wake of this pandemic.
Inhabit: Your Uncertainty
Ryan Oelke and Corey deVosRyan and Corey invite us to deepen our practice in the face of uncertainty, finding strategies in all four quadrants to help us better acclimate ourselves to the massive pressures, social responsibilities, and societal realignments that are coming to the surface as we plunge into the opening act of the Transformation Age.
Inhabit: Your Wisdom
Ryan Oelke and Corey deVosWatch as Ryan and Corey explore a number of practices and perspectives to help you bring your own wisdoms to the surface, allowing you to move through the world with more skill, compassion, insight, and humility.
Inhabit: Your Wound
Ryan Oelke and Corey deVosWe all possess a unique constellation of traumas, enacted by your own unique kosmic address, and which can lead to your own unique wisdom. This is what we hope to help you uncover today.
100 Reasons Not to Have an Affair
Dr. Keith Witt and Corey deVosDr. Keith and Corey discuss why extramarital affairs happen, what the consequences of infidelity are to your relationship, your family, and your own mental well-being, and why you should probably never, ever have one.
Inhabit: Your Digital Life
Corey deVos and Ryan OelkeHow do we better manage the inherent fractures and fragmentations of the digital world while bringing more embodied wisdom and compassion to our online interactions? Watch as Ryan and Corey provide some fairly simple perspectives and practices that might help you inhabit and engage your digital life with more skillful authenticity, resilience, and kindness.
Speaking and Listening From the Heart
Diane Musho Hamilton and Corey deVosDiane and Corey are joined by Gabe Wilson and Kim Loh, co-authors of Diane’s new book Compassionate Conversations, in this far-ranging discussion about growth, empathy, dignity, and integrity. Join us as we unpack one of the primary polarities at the core of Diane’s book — the polarity between sameness and difference — and how we can draw upon both our uniqueness and our commonalities in our pursuit for social justice and our efforts to reduce suffering within us, between us, and outside of us.
Integral Justice Warrior: Compassionate Conversations
Diane Musho Hamilton and Corey deVosIntegral Justice Warrior is a new show with Diane Musho Hamilton and Corey deVos, where every month we will take a close look at some of the most challenging cultural issues and fault lines of our time — as well as the communication skills we need in order to heal these shared wounds and begin to close the gaps between us.
The One Moment That Can Make or Break Your Relationship
Dr. Keith Witt and Corey deVosDr. Keith and Corey explore how to better manage conflict in our relationships, focusing on one critical moment in these conflicts — the moment a defensive state arises. How that moment is handled is a massive determinant of how a relationship will progress, as discussed by Keith and Corey in this episode.
Grace and Grit: The Movie
Sebastian Siegel and Jeff SalzmanToday’s guest, Sebastian Siegel, is the screenwriter and director of the upcoming movie, Grace and Grit. The film tells the true love story of iconic, Integral philosopher Ken Wilber and his wife Treya. Based on the acclaimed book that chronicles Treya’s journals, they fall madly in love in 1980’s California and are immediately faced with illness and challenges that tear them apart. They overcome by finding a connection beyond this world, and love beyond life.
Shadow Work for Couples
Dr. Keith Witt and Corey deVosDr. Keith and Corey explore how shadow practices can help couples resolve conflict and deepen their intimacy.
How Emotional Coaching Makes Us Better Parents
Dr. Keith Witt and Corey deVosDr. Keith and Corey explore how the integral approach and emotional coaching can profoundly transform our ability to show up as parents for our children.
The Embodied Success Shift: A Simple Meditation to Cut Through the Hustle and Cure Your Burnout
Ryan OelkeThis 7-minute meditation is very easy to follow, and empowers you to quickly experience the shift from living outside of yourself to resting in the fullness and foundation of your body. Feel the difference between living on the surface of yourself and what’s it’s like to return within your body, to the center of your life.
Trauma and the Unbound Body: The Connection Between Embodiment, Nondual Realization, and Healing
Ryan Oelke and Judith BlackstoneRyan Oelke speaks with Judith Blackstone, a teacher in the contemporary fields of nondual realization and spiritual, relational, and somatic psychotherapy, about her new book, “Trauma and the Unbound Body: The Healing Power of Fundamental Consciousness”. They chat about the connection between embodiment, nondual realization, and healing, and how all three help deepen one other.
The Many Ways We Grow
Ken Wilber and Corey deVosHuman development is uneven, which means that we are better at some things than we are at others. Some skills come more naturally to us, and others are more difficult to acquire. Watch as Ken and Corey explore each of these developmental capacities in detail, offering a powerful summary of human potentials, talents, and intelligences — a comprehensive map of the territory of “you” that will help guide your own ongoing growth and development.
Conflict as a Driver of Evolution and Intimacy
Dr. Keith Witt and Corey deVosDr. Keith and Corey explore the central role that conflict plays in the ongoing evolutionary process, from the big bang to today, and in our intimate relationships in particular — where conflict can either create more distance and resentment, or it can be an opportunity to create more intimacy and deeper connection.
The Heart of Motherhood
Brooke McNamara and Jeff SalzmanBrooke McNamara developed her new course, Write to the Heart of Motherhood, because, as a poet, she knows writing to be a flexible and potent way for mothers to “connect to our true voice in the middle of our messy lives.” Listen as she discusses her new course with Jeff Salzman.
The Psychology of Kink: Transforming Sexual Drives Into Art
Dr. Keith Witt and Corey deVosLOT of adults are into kink, and studies show those people are happier, more resilient, and more conscientious. Join Dr. Keith Witt and Corey deVos as we explore kink as a one way to transform our sexual drives into art and add to the sum total of love in the universe.
Angry and Vulgar: The Fruits of Incivility
Jeff SalzmanDonald Trump’s coarseness has proven to be more powerful than most people thought possible. In act two of his presidency he is being met with reciprocal incivility from his opposition, exemplified by newly-elected Congressperson Rashida Tlabid, who promised at a rally to “impeach the motherf*****”. In this episode I explore where and how this “new incivility” is arising, its evolutionary potency, and how it can be – and is being — engaged with more wisdom and intention.
Integral Mindfulness and the Evolution of Shame
Dr. Keith Witt and Corey deVosIntegral mindfulness gives us the tools to make our moral discernments more visible and influenceable. Integral mindfulness can organize our relationships with shame and moral disgust (as well as with moral approval and all forms of pleasure) to use them as sources of enhanced horizontal and vertical health.
Staying Attuned in an Entangled Universe
Dr. Keith Witt and Corey deVosDr. Keith and Corey explore ways that people can stay attuned with one another even while our defensive states are being activated.
An Integral Look at Happiness (with Dr. Keith Witt and Jeff Salzman)
Dr. Keith Witt and Jeff SalzmanDr. Keith Witt and Jeff Salzman take an in-depth look at the art of happiness, exploring some of the central perspectives and practices that can lead to a more happy, wise, and fulfilling life.
The Art and Practice of Happiness
Dr. Keith Witt, Jeff Salzman and Corey deVosWatch as Dr. Keith Witt, Jeff Salzman, and Corey deVos take an in-depth look at the art of happiness, exploring some of the central perspectives and practices that can lead to a more happy, wise, and fulfilling life.
The Higher Stages of Couple Love
Jeff SalzmanAn integrally-inspired clinical psychologist specializing in couples therapy, Dr. Tom Habib has mapped what he calls the “couple’s line of development,” which describes the predictable stages a couple typically grows through — and where they may get stalled.
Forgiving Humanity: An Evolutionary Call for Collective Self-Love
Jeff SalzmanJeff makes the case that humanity is not fallen but rising, and that what matters more than our sinful nature is our basic goodness and the goodness of a kosmos that has destined us to grow.
The Koan of Chronic Illness: A Father’s Story
Corey deVos and Dr. Lynn Royster FuentesCorey deVos talks to Lynn Fuentes about his daughter’s Biliary Atresia diagnosis when she was just a few months old, her subsequent liver transplant a year later, and her ongoing recovery today. Corey also shares some of the little wisdoms that have ripened for him during his family’s journey. It was a fantastic and very touching interview, and we invite you all to check it out.
Loving Completely — How to Show Up More Fully in Your Relationships
Dr. Keith Witt and Corey deVosWouldn’t you like to know — quickly, easily and succinctly — what the very best of science tells us about how to have amazing, life-changing relationships, intimacy and sex? Loving Completely is your guide.
An Integral Understanding of Suicide
Dr. Keith Witt, Jeff Salzman and Corey deVosSuicide has been in existence as long as self-aware consciousness has been in existence. The gift of self-aware consciousness included the capacity for humans to anticipate and understand the inevitability of their own deaths, and all gifts come with a price. In this series of videos, Dr. Keith Witt talks to Jeff Salzman and Corey deVos about bringing a more integral understanding and compassion to the topic of suicide.
Integral Intimacy: A Beginner’s Guide
Dr. Keith Witt and Corey deVosDr. Keith and Corey explore the basic architecture of Integral intimacy in relationships, offering a simple roadmap for any couples who would like to level up their relationship.
The Art of the Love Affair
Dr. Keith Witt and Corey deVosDr. Keith Witt explores the art of the love affair — how they happen, how to avoid them from occurring outside of your committed relationship, and how to deal with and heal from secret affairs.
The Heart of Integral Parenting
Miriam Mason Martineau, Jeff Salzman and Corey deVosOur dear friend Miriam Mason Martineau joins us to explore the exceptionally rich topic of integral parenting. It’s hard to imagine a more important, more meaningful, or more immediately fulfilling application of integral thought and practice than this one.
Full Spectrum Mindfulness
Ken WilberKen Wilber’s groundbreaking mindfulness web course. Eight different kinds of mindfulness practice in one. Recently expanded to include Full Body Mindfulness, Full Spectrum Sexuality, and exclusive bonus modules.
Compassionate Exchange
Integral LifeCompassionate Exchange is a way to move freely through all perspectives available to you, instead of staying chronically identified with only one. In this meditative practice, we consciously and deliberately exchange self for other.
Into the Void and Back Again: Understanding and Recovering From Depression
Dr. Keith Witt and Mark FormanDepression is a powerful mood disorder and – after anxiety – the most prevalent of all mental health challenges. In this episode of Psychology Now, Dr. Witt and Dr. Forman dive deeply into the topic of depression, and how our struggles with depression can lead to deepened commitment to change, heightened self-understanding, and increased empathy for the suffering of others.
8 Questions that Disrupt Negativity & Depression
Integral LifeDepressive symptoms are often accompanied by rumination, or persistent cycles of distorted, negative thinking that undermines your mental clarity. The good news is that with practice you can interrupt these cycles. Use these eight questions to assess the reality of your negative thinking and consider alternative possibilities.
Loving Completely
Dr. Keith WittDr. Keith Witt offers a taste of his Loving Completely practice program, an exceptional web course that helps deepen the whole relationship by acknowledging and working with the intrinsic wholeness of human beings.
Loving Completely Web Course
Dr. Keith WittLoving Completely is a groundbreaking training program designed to help you and your partner improve your connection on every level: physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual. Crafted by Dr. Keith Witt and Integral Life, Loving Completely will help you uncover a wealth of personal and interpersonal dynamics that you may not even have known were there. Your personal guide through the wilderness of the heart.
Loving Completely
Dr. Keith Witt[videogallery id=”LovingCompletelyPromo”] [reveal_quick_checkout checkout_text=”ENROLL IN THIS COURSE” block=”true” shape=”square” size=”large” checkout_action=”lightbox” id=”1469″]
The Art and Practice of Self-Love
Dr. Keith WittDo you deeply and truly love yourself? What is preventing you from loving yourself completely? Is your capacity to love yourself contrained by poor self-esteem, internalized criticisms, or false modesty? Can you distinguish your self-love from self-absorption, narcissism, and the siren call of your own ego? Listen as Dr. Keith Witt explores the tremendous importance of self-love, and daily practices to help you explore the undiscovered regions of your own heart.
Mary Magdalene and the Christian Path of Conscious Love
Cynthia BourgeaultFar beyond sensationalized conspiracy theories or pabulum reclamation of the feminine, Rev. Bourgeault’s intriguing portrait of Mary Magdalene recognizes her distinct yet intertwined roles as Jesus’ disciple, apostle, and intimate beloved. Discover the transformative wisdom embodied in this mysterious, often misunderstood feminine figure at the heart of Christianity.
Raising Wholeness: Parenting as a Spiritual Practice
Miriam Mason Martineau and Ken WilberMiriam Mason Martineau and Ken Wilber offer invaluable insight for all parents — new, old, and expecting — to help align yourself with a somewhat more integral, more spiritual approach to parenting.
A Tribute to Ken Wilber
Ken WilberThey say we are all standing on the shoulders of giants. In this video we celebrate one of the biggest and most important giants around: the one and only Ken Wilber. This was our chance to say thank you for all the truth, goodness, and beauty that Ken continues to bring into the world. Ken’s work has ignited the hearts and minds of so many, and we are honored to walk this path with him.
Transformation Through Intimacy: Monogamy as a Path to Awakening
Robert Masters, Diane Bardwell Masters and Ken WilberRobert Augustus Masters and Diane Bardwell Masters speak with Ken Wilber about the next evolution of intimate relationships: monogamy as a spiritual path, a crucible for awakening, and a vessel for enlightenment in the 21st century.
Atlas Evolved: The Life and Loves of Nathaniel Branden
Nathaniel Branden and Ken WilberNathaniel Branden, Ayn Rand’s former lover and the inspiration for her famous John Galt character, was at ground zero during the rise of the Objectivist movement. Listen as Nathaniel offers an intimate insider’s view of the origins, major contributions, and inevitable limitations of Rand’s philosophy and the intellectual movement it sparked. Masterfully hosted by Ken Wilber, this talk offers invaluable insight into Ayn Rand’s legacy, the human potential movement, romantic love, self-esteem, self-transcendence, and the art of conscious living.
Love Has No Opposite
Stuart DavisStuart Davis offers a hysterical sit-down comedy routine, anchored deep in the heart of the Integral Tantra. Integral enlightentainment at its finest!
Exploring the Architecture of Happiness
Alain de Botton and Stuart DavisAlain de Botton and Stuart Davis discuss the many ways architecture affects our moods, minds, and identities, shaping our experiences and bending our will according to the patterns of society. Together they help us recognize all the ways we are influenced by our surroundings, allowing us to deepen our relationship with history and more consciously engage our environment in the present moment.