Transfigurations: Art, Consciousness, and Spirituality

Alex GreyAesthetic, Art & Creativity, Conversations, Creative, Perspectives, Spiritual, Video Leave a Comment

In early May of 2011, Alex and Allyson Grey stopped by Ken’s loft for an afternoon of catch-up and conversation. They happened to be in Denver for the weekend, supporting their Unified Field event — a celebration of art, music, and spirituality that featured lectures and live painting by Alex. The two-day sold-out event was a phenomenal success by all accounts, and they were both still riding high when they arrived at Ken’s that Sunday afternoon.

A few of us were invited to Ken’s loft that afternoon, and I was extremely excited to drive from Boulder and hang out with Ken, Alex, and Allyson. Although we did not plan to record the afternoon, I fortunately had brought my iPad with me and was able to capture a couple hours of video. And I am so glad that I did, as the conversation soon grew into a blistering exchange of thoughts, theories, and visions, all occurring within the sacred container of a mutually enriching, decades-old friendship.

Being invited to this meeting was tremendously meaningful for me personally, and I am even more delighted that I now get to share my seat with you. The video you are about to watch is about as gritty and spontaneous as anything we’ve ever recorded, and offers you all a chance to sit in with some of the most important creative minds of our time.

Written by Corey W. deVos

Alex Grey

About Alex Grey

Alex Grey, a renowned visionary and spiritual artist and author of The Mission of Art. In the foreword to The Mission of Art, Ken Wilber stated: "Alex Grey might be the most significant artist alive."

Ken Wilber

About Ken Wilber

Ken Wilber is a preeminent scholar of the Integral stage of human development. He is an internationally acknowledged leader, founder of Integral Institute, and co-founder of Integral Life. Ken is the originator of arguably the first truly comprehensive or integrative world philosophy, aptly named “Integral Theory”.

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