Why Love Is Such a Mess

Warren FarrellGender, Interpersonal, Perspectives, Premium, Presentations, Sex & Gender, Video Leave a Comment

Warren Farrell offers a detailed overview of the history of sex and gender, outlining the most significant challenges both genders have faced over the millennia, while offering a new vision of wholeness and maturity for us to move toward in our lives and in our relationships. Warren’s address is both erudite and emotionally stirring, presenting an impressive body of data and statistics that leads us to a new understanding of men and women, and helping to reframe some of the most significant relationships in our lives.

Topics include:

  • Why every society has survived by preparing its sons to be disposable, whether in work or in war….
  • Why both sexes often fall in love with the people least capable of loving….
  • Why men in industrial nations are developmentally a half century behind women….
  • Why men have learned to love the family by being away from the family….
  • The evolutionary shift that is necessary to create not a new women’s or mens movement, but an entire gender transition movement—moving from survival-based roles to more flexible fulfillment-based roles….

About Warren Farrell

Dr. Warren Farrell is the author of many books, including two award-winning international best-sellers, Why Men Are The Way They Are and The Myth of Male Power. His most recent books are Women Can't Hear What Men Don't Say, which is a selection of the Book-of-the-Month Club, and Why Men Earn More, which is about how the gap in pay between men and women really isn't discrimination and how women can earn more.

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