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Let In Your Light

Virtual Practice Session Virtual Practice Session

In the same way we disown aspects of ourselves that we deem bad or inappropriate, and project those aspects onto others, we also disown and project qualities that we admire. We allow ourselves to see those qualities in others but amputate our own ability to access them ourselves. We often refer to this as our “light shadow,” but the effect ...

Experience Inner Peace with iRest®

Virtual Practice Session Virtual Practice Session

iRest® (integrative restoration) is a research-based secular application of an ancient mindfulness practice that combines deep relaxation and resiliency training with meditative inquiry to address such issues as stress, anxiety, depression, PTSD, chronic pain, sleep disturbances, and overall well-being. Developed by Dr. Richard Miller, iRest restores psychological & spiritual wholeness by healing unresolved issues in the body, mind & spirit, ...

FREE SESSION: The Power of Purpose

Virtual Practice Session Virtual Practice Session

Join Lisa Frost for The Power of Purpose where we will amplify the voice of your inner truth so you can finally say yes to a deeper sense of purpose. This introductory session is open to the entire Integral Life community, whether you are a member or not.

From Fast to Feast: Meditation for Sense-Regeneration

Virtual Practice Session Virtual Practice Session

Join Lukas Hosford for meditations to expand our awareness by cultivating an attitude of greater appreciation for direct sense-perception. Please prepare yourself for these meditations with three small morsels of food and a drink.

Integral Recovery For Everyone

Virtual Practice Session Virtual Practice Session

Whether you are suffering from substance abuse issues or not, we all have issues in our lives that cause us pain and can hold us back from being the people we were meant to be, if we do not process them with great care and skillfulness. Integral Life Practice, or Integral Recovery Practice, is the vehicle that allows us to travel the territory and universe that the AQAL map reveals.

The Little Book of Big Change (Book Discussion 3/4)

Virtual Practice Session Virtual Practice Session

We are not our habits, or even our addictions—and the power to end them permanently is already ours. Let 2022 be the year in which you say good-bye to the habitual baggage you’ve carried for so long and embrace real and lasting change!
Join Paula Staffeldt, in a four-session book discussion (same day/same time) of Dr. Amy Brown’s The Little Book of Big Change.

Zero To Awake: The Subtle Body

Virtual Practice Session Virtual Practice Session

Zero to Awake is a gradual practice sequence designed as an inclusive activation and appreciation of our spiritual nature. New and seasoned practitioners will find nourishment in this pointing- out instruction style guided meditation.

Social Meditation

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In Social Meditation we use a variety of peer-to-peer protocols and instruction sets to practice in any or all of the 4 Ups: Waking Up, Cleaning Up, Growing Up, Showing Up.

Debate as a Contemplative Discipline

Virtual Practice Session Virtual Practice Session

Practicing the process of debate outwardly in relation to other beings can teach us so much about how to go through it internally with ease and elegant simplicity. We can learn to enjoy the process whereby existing opinions are forced by wisdom into concession. This is a crucial compliment to a non-conceptual meditation practice for anyone wishing to become a masterful co-creator of intention.

Flourishing LIVE: An Inside Look

Virtual Practice Session Virtual Practice Session

Click here to join the discussion. Join us for a free webinar as Lee Mason previews his new Flourishing LIVE training — an online group coaching program to help you develop a personalized strategy to thrive optimally across all areas of your life. If you’re interested in living a life that is as healthy, happy and meaningful as possible, then ...

The Little Book of Big Change (Book Discussion 4/4)

Virtual Practice Session Virtual Practice Session

We are not our habits, or even our addictions—and the power to end them permanently is already ours. Let 2022 be the year in which you say good-bye to the habitual baggage you’ve carried for so long and embrace real and lasting change!
Join Paula Staffeldt, in a four-session book discussion (same day/same time) of Dr. Amy Brown’s The Little Book of Big Change.

Creating A Healthy Relationship With Food

Virtual Practice Session Virtual Practice Session

Join Connie and Bill DeKramer for a foray into the world of High Nutrient Dense Whole Foods. Together we will explore how to look for what food nourishes us into a pain free, symptom free life with clarity and vitality and how to tap into the innate wisdom of our bodies to find what works for us in each moment as we navigate changing age, seasons, physical demands, etc.

Being With What Is: The Russia/Ukraine Conflict (FREE EVENT)

Virtual Practice Session Virtual Practice Session

Join Lisa for a special edition of Being With What Is: The Russia/Ukraine Conflict, where we will unearth our resistance to accepting the present reality so that we can be better resourced in how we respond to it. This live experience will include both discussion and practice.


Virtual Practice Session Virtual Practice Session

Click here to join the live zoom session Inhabit is a monthly discussion series with Ryan Oelke and Corey deVos, designed to help you embody your own unique expression of integral being and more fully inhabit the territory of your life, your relationships, and your world. Click here to watch previous episodes

Surrendering The Past

Virtual Practice Session Virtual Practice Session

Click here to join the live zoom session Any aspect of our past that we haven’t come to terms with affects our ability to see the present moment clearly and to respond in a grounded way. It is like we are looking through a pair of colored glasses that distort reality. It may feel like things look fine, but once ...

Trying On Perspectives

Virtual Practice Session Virtual Practice Session

Our consciousness delivers a worldview of ourselves acting as autonomous agents, controlling our life. That worldview is the frame of the subject of our awareness. It is the proverbial water that we fish swim in everyday, moment to moment. What would it take for us to recognize that water in which we are swimming?

Sacred Sorrow: Being With Grief and Loss

Virtual Practice Session Virtual Practice Session

With recent global and personal events, many of us are experiencing feelings of profound grief and loss. Grief and loss are some of the most intense experiences we have as humans and unprocessed grief and loss can lead to having a heart that is closed to the intense joy and love that is possible when we are willing to simply be with those feelings. By giving specific space and time to the grief that needs to be processed, we can both work through those feelings and be in the world. Join Lisa Frost for a gentle and loving approach to being with grief and loss.

The Leader’s Calling

Virtual Practice Session Virtual Practice Session

Now is the time. Now is the only time. Listen to the call. Accept the challenge. Start your heroic journey today.
Come join us for a journey into the mysterious world of Leadership with Mike Herzog.

Circle of Mutuality Group: Integral “We-Space” Practice for Authentic Relating

Virtual Practice Session Virtual Practice Session

When we practice together, we open up and focus on the space between us. Join Grant in practicing a Sufi form of awakening called Sohbet, where we come together and slow down to notice each sensation, each thought form, and share our moment to moment experience with each other in succession... opening tenderness, softening, authentic relating and deep connection.

Centering Prayer

Virtual Practice Session Virtual Practice Session

With Centering Prayer as our model we will share a bit of guidance exploring and clarifying our intention, joined with a bit of practice and reflection that leads to deeper intimacy with God, Universe, Spirit… gaining through letting go. Expect to come away from this practice feeling a sense of calm, clarity, creativity and heightened intuition.

Reframing Purposeful Misfires

Virtual Practice Session Virtual Practice Session

Join Grant to reframe purposeful misfires as you surrender guilt and shame associated with not achieving a desired outcome and rewrite emotionally charged misfires as successes and taking purpose-aligned action.

Truth & Certainty (Enneagram 1 Practice Group)

Virtual Practice Session Virtual Practice Session

Join Lee Mason for a monthly facilitated practice group designed specifically for Enneagram 1’s, where we will support each other on the path of Serenity.

Living From a Place of Surrender Part 7/8 (Michael Singer Audio Course Discussion & Embodiment Practice)

Virtual Practice Session Virtual Practice Session

Join Lisa Frost as we go deeper with Living From a Place of Surrender, through both discussion and embodying the teaching with a specially designed practice. This series requires participants to come prepared to discuss the indicated “part” of the audio course by Michael Singer. This 8-part audio course can be found at, or