COVID-19 Through the Lens of the Enneagram

Leslie HershbergerCognitive, Conversations, Integrative Metatheory, Intrapersonal, Perspectives, Psychology, Video, World Affairs Leave a Comment

We have been taking a careful look at the Coronavirus pandemic (and our individual and collective responses to it) in recent weeks — a tour through the four quadrants of anti-fragility with Ken Wilber, the multiple stages of meaning-making with Beena Sharma and Susanne Cook-Greuter, the call to compassionate leadership with Diane Musho Hamilton, the various psychological impacts and traumas with Dr. Keith, and many others. This week we wanted to take what seems like the next logical step: exploring our responses to COVID-19 through the lens of the Enneagram.

Which is why I really wanted to invite my dear friend Leslie Hershberger to do a special show with me, so we can explore the rich territory of the Integral Enneagram and the many ways it can help us make better sense of all that is happening around us. How are different types dealing with these new life conditions that are being imposed upon us all? What are the different coping strategies and pain points and opportunities for transformation? How can the Integral Enneagram help us bring more care, compassion, and connection to our own integral family? Watch this very special episode to find out.

Written by Corey deVos
Music by Stuart Davis (remixed by Corey deVos)

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Leslie Hershberger

About Leslie Hershberger

Leslie Hershberger is a natural teacher, facilitator and writer who integrates the Enneagram in the Narrative Tradition, three centered contemplative practice and Integral theory to help people and groups understand themselves, others and the world through a deeper, more expansive lens.

Corey deVos

About Corey deVos

Corey W. deVos is editor and producer of Integral Life. He has worked for Integral Institute/Integal Life since Spring of 2003, and has been a student of integral theory and practice since 1996. Corey is also a professional woodworker, and many of his artworks can be found in his VisionLogix art gallery.