Coronavirus and a Course in Anti-Fragility

Corey deVosCognitive, Health & Wellness, Life Conditions, Perspectives, The Ken Show, Video, World Affairs, Worldviews Leave a Comment

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en and Corey respond to the COVID-19 pandemic by suggesting a far more comprehensive approach to health and healing. Watch as we take a tour through all four quadrants of healthy living — a much-needed guide to integral anti-fragility in the 21st century.

When I approached Ken for this episode of The Ken Show, I tried to come up with questions that could help us better understand and cope with the coronavirus pandemic that is making such a deep impact upon our lives. The questions I submitted to Ken were an attempt to look at these transformative life conditions from three different angles — from above, from between, and from within:

  1. What are the geopolitical consequences of this pandemic — particularly the backslide we are seeing away from democracy and toward authoritarianism? What wisdoms are we learning from all of this that we can apply to our next set of global life conditions coming down the line?
  2. How is “collective trauma” different than “individual trauma”, and what kinds of treatments, interventions, and rehabilitations are required in order to heal this kind of shared injury?
  3. How can Integral practice help us cultivate the anti-fragile mindsets required to both endure and grow in the midst of crisis?

I figured these questions would give us a nice open sandbox to play in, since I wasn’t exactly sure what Ken wanted to say about all of this. What he offered was even better — not only did he answer all my questions, he also situated them into a much larger framework in order to explore an overall integral approach to health and healing. It was an extraordinary presentation that is immediately relevant to the world-wide system shock we are all experiencing right now.

Written and produced by Corey deVos

Music by Stuart Davis

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Get a Custom Four Quadrant Artwork For Yourself!

In this episode I show some of my custom Four Quadrant artworks. The good news is, they are available for commission! My goal was to take a graphic that has generated a tremendous amount of meaning for so many of us, and to transform it into a piece of art that any integralist would be proud to display in their home, office, or community center. I make these in a very wide variety of styles, as seen below, using the most beautiful and unique hardwoods that I can find.

If you would like to purchase one for yourself, please check out the samples here, or just send an email to and I will be happy to work with you to create a custom piece just for you!

  • Example
  • Example
  • Example
  • Example

Integral Guided Tours

How to Think Integrally

Ken Wilber and Corey deVos

Ken and Corey explore some of the major qualities of integral thinking at the “vision logic” or “construct aware” stages of development, focusing on the three primary heuristics of integral thinking — non-exclusion (“everyone is right”), enfoldment (“some are more right than others”), and enactment (“if you want to know that, do this.”)

Growing Up: A Guided Tour

Ken Wilber and Corey deVos

Here we explore one of the most central elements of integral metatheory: growing up through multiple stages of developmental maturity. Watch as Ken and Corey offer a guided tour through each of the major stages on the Path of Growing Up — an exploration of your own greatest, deepest potentials — and offer some simple practices to help you actualize those potentials.

The Many Ways We Grow

Ken Wilber and Corey deVos

Human development is uneven, which means that we are better at some things than we are at others. Some skills come more naturally to us, and others are more difficult to acquire. Watch as Ken and Corey explore each of these developmental capacities in detail, offering a powerful summary of human potentials, talents, and intelligences — a comprehensive map of the territory of “you” that will help guide your own ongoing growth and development.

The Varieties of Integral Spiritual Experience

Ken Wilber and Corey deVos

Ken and Corey explore the path of Waking Up — a guided tour through temporary states of consciousness that include everything from emotional states to chemically-induced states to the direct, immediate experience of timeless reality, revealing an infinitely renewable source of energy, resilience, and creative inspiration that rests at the very center of you.

The Four Quadrants: A Guided Tour

Ken Wilber and Corey deVos

Ken and Corey take a in-depth tour through one of Ken’s most well-known contributions to integral philosophy: the Four Quadrants. Watch as Ken shares his personal story about the origins of the Four Quadrant model — the day everything came together — as he weaves 3rd-person theoretical descriptions of the model with his own 1st-person experience and creative process.

Click here to find a full list of all Ken Show episodes, which include both video or audio.

Corey deVos

About Corey deVos

Corey W. deVos is editor and producer of Integral Life. He has worked for Integral Institute/Integal Life since Spring of 2003, and has been a student of integral theory and practice since 1996. Corey is also a professional woodworker, and many of his artworks can be found in his VisionLogix art gallery.

Ken Wilber

About Ken Wilber

Ken Wilber is a preeminent scholar of the Integral stage of human development. He is an internationally acknowledged leader, founder of Integral Institute, and co-founder of Integral Life. Ken is the originator of arguably the first truly comprehensive or integrative world philosophy, aptly named “Integral Theory”.