From the lowest depths to the highest peaks, there is no place our shadow will not follow us, even into the heart of nonduality itself. Listen as Ken Wilber offers a guided tour through the major states of consciousness described by all the world’s spiritual traditions, while pointing out the many ways that our shadows can impede or even sabotage our efforts to contact and stabilize these states.
Image by Android Jones [+view gallery]
Written by Corey deVos
In this reading Ken focuses on two types of shadow in particular: a fixation or addiction to a previous state that has not yet been dis-identified with, and an avoidance or allergy to aspects of a forthcoming state that has yet to be integrated. Ken talks about how these shadows can show up in each of these states of consciousness, as well as in the vulnerable transition from one state to the next, making this a tremendously valuable guide for both “waking up” and “cleaning up”.
There is no light bright enough to completely dispel our hidden darkness, no wisdom that cannot be twisted by addiction, avoidance, and dis-ease. Whether you are chasing the dragon or the dragon is chasing you, this talk will help you keep your seat and see your own shadow for what it really is—and after taking a closer look you may find it’s not really a dragon at all, but a swarm of butterflies portending your greatest transformation yet.
NOTE: Because this is such a rich discussion, we have broken this recording into seven short parts. We suggest that you listen to each part carefully and one at a time, perhaps just one part per day for the next week, in order to fully absorb this material.
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About Ken Wilber
Ken Wilber is a preeminent scholar of the Integral stage of human development. He is an internationally acknowledged leader, founder of Integral Institute, and co-founder of Integral Life. Ken is the originator of arguably the first truly comprehensive or integrative world philosophy, aptly named “Integral Theory”.