The Best of 2018

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Everything below is available to Integral Life members.

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Featured Perspective #1


Perhaps the most exciting emergence this year at Integral Life is the new Ken Show series, where every month Ken Wilber and Corey deVos dive deeply into some of the most pressing issues of our time — politics, culture, technology, spirituality, etc. You can find all episodes of the Ken Show here, and this episode about social media, polarization, and political extremism is a wonderful place to begin. Or if you would like to start with a crash course in what it means to think integrally, maybe give this episode a look.

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Other pieces you may enjoy:

How to Think Integrally
Ken Wilber and Corey deVos

Featured Perspective #2


We were exceptionally saddened by the loss of our dear friend Father Thomas Keating this year. In celebration of Father Keating’s life and his tireless effort to help people discover their innermost intersection with divinity, we invite you to watch the following free video where he shares some of his own hopes for the future unfolding of contemplative christianity.
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Other pieces you may enjoy:

The Gift of Contemplation
Fr. Thomas Keating and Cynthia Bourgeault

Featured Perspective #3


What is the integral community’s unique role in the world right now? Each of us are called to bring “kosmic integrity” into the world, a uniting of integrating perspective and loving presence that can foster horizontal and vertical enlightenment in every person we touch. Listen as Robb describes the three unique capabilities of the very mature human mind that, when combined with integral philosophy’s story of wholeness and its powerful set of distinctions, have the power to liberate those around us.
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Other pieces you may enjoy:

Basic Moral Intuition
Gail Hochachka and Ken Wilber

Featured Perspective #4

The Stages of Leadership Maturity
Beena Sharma and Susanne Cook-Greuter

Beena Sharma and Susanne Cook-Greuter offer a stunning overview of their Leadership Maturity Framework, which offers leaders, coaches, and change agents of all stripes a far more thorough understanding of human development and human potential, as well as a far more robust toolset to help others thrive at whatever stage of life they find themselves at.
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Featured Perspective #5

Integrating Power
Ginny Whitelaw, Roger Walsh, Jeff Salzman, Gail Hochachka, Bert Parlee, and Robb Smith

Join our panelists in this far-ranging discussion about power — how to relate to it, how to wield it, and how to avoid getting trampled by it. Let’s explore how we might go about better integrating power in our selves and in society, deepening our wisdom and virtue as we work together to meet the great challenges and opportunities of our time.
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Featured Perspective #6

Integral Intimacy: A Beginner's Guide
Dr. Keith Witt and Corey deVos

In this episode of our monthly Witt & Wisdom series, Dr. Keith Witt and Corey deVos explore the basic architecture of Integral intimacy in relationships, offering a simple roadmap for any couples who would like to level up their relationship. The components of a successful intimate relationship are the following: a friendship, a love affair, a capacity to notice and repair injuries and ruptures in the relationship, and a mutual commitment to growth. But how exactly do we do this? Watch as Dr. Keith offers some blueprints couples can use to establish and maintain the container of a happy and fulfilling intimacy.

Click here to see all episodes of Witt & Wisdom.
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Other pieces you may enjoy:

An Integral Understanding of Suicide
Dr. Keith Witt, Jeff Salzman, and Corey deVos

Featured Perspective #7


In this riveting presentation, world-renowned Enneagram teacher Helen Palmer explores some of the primary patterns that our projections take, each pattern corresponding to our own Enneagram type. She also describes some simple techniques to help us identify and integrate our own psychological projections, helping us to fully own our unconscious shadows and reclaim the very best parts of ourselves.
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Featured Perspective #8


Andrew Holecek explores the fascinating and fruitful vanguard of consciousness and technology in this stunning presentation about virtual reality, lucid dreaming, and awakening in the midst of rapid social change.
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Featured Perspective #9


Gail presents the contours of the challenge that is climate change — namely how to grasp in meaning or action such a wicked problem and hyperobject: something not directly seen and experienced, so radically nonlocal and involving of multiple disciplines, that exists on timeline we can’t easily conceive of, and regarding a future we can only approximate. Making sense of an issue this complex is slippery and plastic, and how we then engage it even more so.
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Other pieces you may enjoy:

The Meaning of the Earth
Jacob Needleman and Ken Wilber

Featured Perspective #10


Roger Walsh and Ken Wilber explore a more integral approach to diversity that seeks to add a critical missing piece that has been missing from the conversation: the notion of developmental diversity, making space for the fullest possible accounting of human potential and human possibilities.
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Featured Practice #1


Watch as Ginny Whitelaw helps you experience the four energy patterns that show up in the human nervous system. All of us possess these four patterns, and though most of us have our favorites, all four are available to us at all times. Each is good at different things, and here you will learn what each one is good for, which ones you might use or overuse, and how you can tap into any of them at the right time in order to lead with your fullest and most authentic purpose.
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Other practices you may enjoy:

Featured Practice #2


Have you ever tried a mindfulness practice, but found you couldn’t stick with it? Maybe you used an app or took a course, but don’t know where to take it next. Perhaps you’ve been meditating for a while, but feel you’ve plateaued, or your practice isn’t addressing real life challenges. Mindfulness can feel like swimming upstream against your own mind. Yet the benefits are clear: enhanced attention, empathy, and resilience, and reduced anxiety, stress, and even insomnia. Unfortunately, too many people don’t find a practice that works for them and their daily lives. This one will.
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Other practices you may enjoy:

Start Your Integral Life for Just $1

Everything above is available to Integral Life members.

Not a member? Access EVERYTHING on this page (as well as our full library of practices, presentations, and perspectives) for just $1. Click here to learn more and to start your Integral Life!