Bruce Alderman and Mark Edwards explore how integrative metatheory can illuminate and address the interconnected crises of our time. Through themes such as navigating hyperobjects, the role of storytelling in fostering collaboration, and the challenges posed by algorithmic fragmentation, they advocate for integrative thinking that balances big-picture reflection with grounded, actionable practice.
The Psychology of Climate Change
Gail Hochachka, John Dupuy and Roger WalshClimate change researcher, sustainable development expert, and activist Gail Hochachka works on the front lines of climate change research, asking—and answering—questions like: How does the way we make meaning, at all our different stages of development, relate to the ways we act on climate change? How can we foster more engagement with climate change? Is climate action scalable? And how are we going to show up for the people who are facing the greatest impacts?
From the Cambrian Explosion to the Human Explosion
Dr. Keith Witt and Corey deVosDr. Keith and Corey explore the parallels and differences between the Cambrian explosion and the rapid evolution of human consciousness, discussing the profound impacts of technological and cultural advancements on our collective development.
Nature as Teacher: Finding Beauty, Wisdom, and Self in Everything
Susanne Cook-Greuter, John Dupuy and Roger WalshAdult psychology pioneer and ego development expert Susanne Cook-Greuter introduces us to her favorite wisdom teacher: Nature. Susanne explains how Integral Theory’s 3-2-1 Process can be practiced with elements in nature to gain greater insight into the teachings of nature—evolution, cycles of life and death, the transience of life, the beauty that is everywhere—and to experience oneness with all.
Inhabit: Your Bardo
Corey deVos and Ryan OelkeRyan and Corey explore the idea that every moment is a bardo, a transition from one state of being to another state of being — and within these ubiquitous transitions there are opportunities to transcend the karmas of our conditioning, and to channel new kinds of creativity into the world.
Facing Death: A Call to “Get Real”
Terry Patten, Roger Walsh and John DupuyAn extraordinary, heartfelt conversation with spiritual practitioner, teacher, activist, Integralist, and author Terry Patten, who was at the time facing his own mortality following a recent diagnosis of a rare and aggressive cancer. An inner radiance shines forth as Terry, with much graciousness and candor, discusses the call to “get real”—not only personally but also collectively; his deepened perception of the “amazing grace of existence;” the directionality that has guided much of his life; and action inquiry: working on becoming next-stage human beings by experimenting with being the best people we can be. A touching and transformative talk, Terry conveys the deepening understanding coming from living on the edge and transmits a “radical okayness” with everything.
Grace & Grit — ILLUMINATE Film Festival
Ken Wilber, Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson and Sebastian SiegelWatch as Ken Wilber, Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, Sebastian Siegel, and moderator Maia Monasterios have a lively discussion about the power of love to transcend time and to overcome our greatest challenges and suffering. Learn how we can honor death and loss by transforming grief into a profound appreciation for life.
Getting Over Ourselves
Nomali Perera, Lisa Frost and Corey deVosNomali talks to Lisa and Corey about the many opportunities and obstacles we face in our practice, and how to deepen our commitment to our own process of waking up, growing up, cleaning up, and showing up. We follow the subtle threads of love, death, and vitality that weave through each of our practices and connect us together as a community, while reminding each other that we can only truly be ourselves if we are willing to actually get over ourselves.
Sitting in the Mystery: Aliens, Artists, and the Experiencer Group
Stuart Davis and Corey deVosBelief in UFOs and alien contact continues to find more and more legitimacy. In this fun and fascinating discussion, Stuart and Corey take a deep dive into these cosmic mysteries, exploring the many ways the Integral framework helps us illuminate and interpret the full enchilada of human (and non-human) experience, from the ordinary to the extraordinary to the extra-extraordinary.
Inhabit: Your Ground
Corey deVos and Ryan OelkeWatch as Ryan, Corey, and Marshall explore how Integral Practice allows us to more fully inhabit our ground by helping us bring more awareness to the most fundamental dimensions of our own lived territory.
Inhabit: Your Spiritual Life
Ryan Oelke and Corey deVosNeed help shifting gears from mental map-making to actually inhabiting the spiritual territory? Watch as Ryan Oelke and Corey deVos explore what it means to truly inhabit and integrate our contemplative practice and our moment-to-moment experience of life.
Kosmos: An Integral Voyage
Ken Wilber and Corey deVosKen Wilber and Corey deVos ponder the evolutionary mysteries of the universe, speculating on how abundant life might be in the kosmos, why we haven’t met any of our galactic neighbors yet, and what might happen if a UFO landed on the White House lawn. It’s a fun conversation — and one that takes its subject matter more seriously than you might expect. Whether you are a true believer of UFO phenomena or an iron-clad skeptic, you don’t want to miss this fascinating and far-reaching exploration.
The Varieties of Integral Spiritual Experience
Ken Wilber and Corey deVosWatch as Ken and Corey explore the path of Waking Up — a guided tour through temporary states of consciousness that include everything from emotional states to chemically-induced states to the direct, immediate experience of timeless reality, revealing an infinitely renewable source of energy, resilience, and creative inspiration that rests at the very center of you.
The Many Ways We Grow
Ken Wilber and Corey deVosHuman development is uneven, which means that we are better at some things than we are at others. Some skills come more naturally to us, and others are more difficult to acquire. Watch as Ken and Corey explore each of these developmental capacities in detail, offering a powerful summary of human potentials, talents, and intelligences — a comprehensive map of the territory of “you” that will help guide your own ongoing growth and development.
The Expanded Trinity: The Three Faces of God-in-Three-Persons
Paul Smith and Ken WilberIs your god big enough? Close enough? You enough? Join Paul Smith and Ken Wilber as they take us on an expansive journey from the traditional Trinity to Paul’s nine-dimensional “expanded” Trinity.
Is Free Will an Illusion?
Ken Wilber and Corey deVosIn this episode of The Ken Show we explore one of the oldest and, in many ways, most profound and consequential philosophical questions in history: what is the nature of “free will”, and is it ultimately just an illusion?
The Koan of Chronic Illness: A Father’s Story
Corey deVos and Dr. Lynn Royster FuentesCorey deVos talks to Lynn Fuentes about his daughter’s Biliary Atresia diagnosis when she was just a few months old, her subsequent liver transplant a year later, and her ongoing recovery today. Corey also shares some of the little wisdoms that have ripened for him during his family’s journey. It was a fantastic and very touching interview, and we invite you all to check it out.
An Integral Understanding of Suicide
Dr. Keith Witt, Jeff Salzman and Corey deVosSuicide has been in existence as long as self-aware consciousness has been in existence. The gift of self-aware consciousness included the capacity for humans to anticipate and understand the inevitability of their own deaths, and all gifts come with a price. In this series of videos, Dr. Keith Witt talks to Jeff Salzman and Corey deVos about bringing a more integral understanding and compassion to the topic of suicide.
Reclaiming Your Power While Struggling With Chronic Illness
Dr. Lynn Royster FuentesLynn Fuentes offers a brief teaching about how to reclaim your power while struggling with the sense of disempowerment that often accompanies various kinds of chronic illness, whether you are dealing with your personal health issues or those of a loved one.
From F#@king Up to Waking Up: A Tale of Addiction, Volition, and Liberation
Chris Grosso, Jeff Salzman and Corey deVosToday our dear friend Chris Grosso talks to Jeff and Corey about his latest book, Dead Set on Living: Making the Difficult but Beautiful Journey from Fucking Up to Waking Up, which pivots around Chris’s provocative and profoundly moving journey out of the shadows of addiction and the endless empty parade of substitute gratifications, and into the light of spiritual awakening and healthy living.
Contemplation on Death and Impermanence
Terry PattenTerry Patten offers a short guided meditation to help you reduce the existential fear, dread, and anxiety surrounding death by shifting your attention and identification to the indestructible presence at the very center of your being.
The Koan of Chronic Illness
Dr. Lynn Royster FuentesLynn Royster Fuentes looks at the question of chronic illness as part of a koan, a puzzle you have been asked to solve, an all-encompassing and fundamental question that can be answered and re-answered as you investigate the approaches that will reduce your suffering.
Death & Dying
Andrew HolecekJoin Tibetan Buddhist teacher and end of life expert Andrew Holecek as he walks you through a powerful, and life-changing, one-hour ILP coaching session to better understand death and liberate you from the false identity that keeps you trapped in the fear that your true self is anything other than timeless.
Okay, I’m Dead… Now What?
Andrew Holecek and Ken Wilber“Practice dying.“ This was Plato’s famous final lesson to his disciples, given just before his own death. But what does it mean to practice dying? Okay, I’m Dead is a 30-part exploration of conscious dying, offering a comprehensive guide to the many stages of the death and dying process, based largely upon the timeless teachings of the Tibetan Book of the Dead.
Death Makes Life Possible
Marilyn Schlitz and Ken WilberWhat happens after death? Is there some part of us that endures? How can we begin to work through the countless fears, anxieties, and neuroses that spring from knowing that our time in this world will one day come to an end? Listen as Marilyn Schlitz and Ken Wilber explore these and other questions in this incredibly rich discussion.
Becoming Nothing
Father Thomas KeatingIn this deeply moving reflection, Father Thomas Keating offers a personal glimpse into his own spiritual practice, allowing us precious insight into the heart and mind of one of the world’s most cherished mystics.
Life, Death, Love, and Awakening
Adyashanti and Ken WilberA lively, intimate, and tremendously moving discussion that covers an astonishing amount of ground — ranging from Ken and Adya’s personal lives, to spiritual materialism and enlightened activism, to the outermost frontiers of knowledge, technology, and future potentials.
Death, Rebirth, and Meditation
Ken WilberSome type of reincarnation doctrine is found in virtually every mystical religious tradition the world over. Even Christianity accepted it until around the fourth century CE, when, for largely political reasons, it was made anathema. Many Christian mystics today now accept the idea. As the Christian theologian John Hick pointed out in his important work Death and Eternal Life, the consensus of the world religions, including Christianity, is that some sort of reincarnation occurs.