The Koan of Chronic Illness: An Integral Approach

Join us for a look into the world of chronic illness from the personal trauma and disempowerment of being a patient to the systemic inequities, shadows, and complications of the health care system. We’ll consider how the integral models and an integral consciousness can radically alter the experience of illness and also discover how illness can be a path to personal and spiritual growth.


The Koan of Chronic Illness: An Integral Approach

Join us for a look into the world of chronic illness from the personal trauma and disempowerment of being a patient to the systemic inequities, shadows, and complications of the health care system. We’ll consider how the integral models and an integral consciousness can radically alter the experience of illness and also discover how illness can be a path to personal and spiritual growth.


The Koan of Chronic Illness: An Integral Approach

Join us for a look into the world of chronic illness from the personal trauma and disempowerment of being a patient to the systemic inequities, shadows, and complications of the health care system. We’ll consider how the integral models and an integral consciousness can radically alter the experience of illness and also discover how illness can be a path to personal and spiritual growth.


The Koan of Chronic Illness: An Integral Approach

Join us for a look into the world of chronic illness from the personal trauma and disempowerment of being a patient to the systemic inequities, shadows, and complications of the health care system. We’ll consider how the integral models and an integral consciousness can radically alter the experience of illness and also discover how illness can be a path to personal and spiritual growth.


The Koan of Chronic Illness: An Integral Approach

Join us for a look into the world of chronic illness from the personal trauma and disempowerment of being a patient to the systemic inequities, shadows, and complications of the health care system. We’ll consider how the integral models and an integral consciousness can radically alter the experience of illness and also discover how illness can be a path to personal and spiritual growth.


The Koan of Chronic Illness: An Integral Approach

Join us for a look into the world of chronic illness from the personal trauma and disempowerment of being a patient to the systemic inequities, shadows, and complications of the health care system. We’ll consider how the integral models and an integral consciousness can radically alter the experience of illness and also discover how illness can be a path to personal and spiritual growth.


The Koan of Chronic Illness: An Integral Approach

Join us for a look into the world of chronic illness from the personal trauma and disempowerment of being a patient to the systemic inequities, shadows, and complications of the health care system. We’ll consider how the integral models and an integral consciousness can radically alter the experience of illness and also discover how illness can be a path to personal and spiritual growth.


The Koan of Chronic Illness: An Integral Approach

Join us for a look into the world of chronic illness from the personal trauma and disempowerment of being a patient to the systemic inequities, shadows, and complications of the health care system. We’ll consider how the integral models and an integral consciousness can radically alter the experience of illness and also discover how illness can be a path to personal and spiritual growth.


The Koan of Chronic Illness: An Integral Approach

Join us for a look into the world of chronic illness from the personal trauma and disempowerment of being a patient to the systemic inequities, shadows, and complications of the health care system. We’ll consider how the integral models and an integral consciousness can radically alter the experience of illness and also discover how illness can be a path to personal and spiritual growth.


The Koan of Chronic Illness: An Integral Approach

Join us for a look into the world of chronic illness from the personal trauma and disempowerment of being a patient to the systemic inequities, shadows, and complications of the health care system. We’ll consider how the integral models and an integral consciousness can radically alter the experience of illness and also discover how illness can be a path to personal and spiritual growth.


The Koan of Chronic Illness: An Integral Approach

Join us for a look into the world of chronic illness from the personal trauma and disempowerment of being a patient to the systemic inequities, shadows, and complications of the health care system. We’ll consider how the integral models and an integral consciousness can radically alter the experience of illness and also discover how illness can be a path to personal and spiritual growth.


The Koan of Chronic Illness: An Integral Approach

Join us for a look into the world of chronic illness from the personal trauma and disempowerment of being a patient to the systemic inequities, shadows, and complications of the health care system. We’ll consider how the integral models and an integral consciousness can radically alter the experience of illness and also discover how illness can be a path to personal and spiritual growth.


The Koan of Chronic Illness: An Integral Approach

Join us for a look into the world of chronic illness from the personal trauma and disempowerment of being a patient to the systemic inequities, shadows, and complications of the health care system. We’ll consider how the integral models and an integral consciousness can radically alter the experience of illness and also discover how illness can be a path to personal and spiritual growth.


The Koan of Chronic Illness: A Father’s Story


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Corey deVos talks to Lynn Fuentes about his daughter’s Biliary Atresia diagnosis when she was just a few months old, her subsequent liver transplant a year later, and her ongoing recovery today. Corey also shares some of the little wisdoms that have ripened for him during his family’s journey. It was a fantastic and very touching interview, and we invite you all to check it out.


Karma & Creativity

Karma and Creativity represent a dynamic interplay that exists at every level of existence, from the physiosphere to the biosphere to the noosphere and beyond. Karma signifies the principle of cause and effect, where every action has consequences that shape experiences. Creativity embodies the capacity to generate novel ideas and bring them into reality. Together, they reflect a universal process where past actions inform and enhance future innovations.


The 8 Horizons of Love


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In this episode of Witt and Wisdom, Corey deVos introduces a comprehensive relationships framework he is currently developing, designed to help partners navigate the staggering complexity of our relationships — whether romantic, familial, or platonic. Corey highlights the eight fundamental territories or horizons within which all relationships unfold, detailing the common factors, everyday examples, key questions, common challenges, and the risks of neglecting each of these horizons.


Integral Perspectives on Alcoholism


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Alcohol addiction is a deeply entrenched issue that affects a significant portion of the population, with around 10% of children being raised in a family with at least one alcoholic parent as of 2019. In this episode of Witt and Wisdom, Dr. Keith Witt and Corey deVos undertake a comprehensive exploration of alcohol addiction, its effects, and the recovery process through the lens of Ken Wilber’s integral theory, which encompasses all four quadrants – individual (internal and external) and collective (internal and external).


Diversity, Empathy, and Integration: Reframing and Reclaiming a Movement Toward Healing and Wholeness


Brad Kershner offers a deep and detailed criticism of standard DEI approaches (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion), highlighting the complexities of ethnicity, race, and cultural evolution. He challenges prevailing educational metaphors grounded in the postmodern perspective, advocating for a more universal application of modern liberal values, and emphasizing the need for a nuanced understanding to forge a more genuine and generative path forward for social justice.


Sex, Identity, Gender: Beyond Wokism and Trumpism


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Join us as we push even further into the front lines of the culture war skirmishes that have become so plentiful over the last several years. Corey deVos joins Keith to discuss how our notions of sex, gender, and identity apply to some of the most contentious and pressing issues of our time, and how they can be integrated into a more integral dialectic.


Ontological Shock: The Accelerating Emergence of Artificial Intelligence

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Robb Smith joins co-hosts Bruce Alderman and Corey deVos in our first episode of Integral Life’s new AI series, where together they grapple with the profound “ontological shock” and societal transformation prompted by the emergence of AI, exploring its impact across education, personal lives, and organizations. They delve into the potential risks and benefits of AI, its role in discourse shaping, the evolving perceptions of AI, and the transformative potential of AI-aided technologies, all while weaving in spiritual insights and invoking a deeper understanding of our interconnectedness in this transformative age.


Integral Health Series: Integral Caregiving

Caregiving is currently an invisible part of our economy and our society. However, in the US 1 in 5 people is caring for at least one other family member with chronic illness or disability. There is little recognition given to those who provide this essential contribution to our mutual health and wellbeing. Caregivers provide services in all four quadrants – emotional support, relationship support, practical health care, and unpaid labor which reduces the strain on our systems. Join us for an interactive, deep dive into this little talked about reality as we widen our perspectives to see the interconnectedness of all of us and the good, the true, and the beautiful in this world of caregiving.


The Integralist’s Intellectual Advent Calendar

  Introduction Dear friends, Arising from a 19th century German tradition, advent calendars count the 24 days leading up to Christmas day. Advent, from the Latin adventus for arrival, has been in the Christian spiritual tradition dating back at least to the 4th century CE, and marks a time of celebration of the birth of Christ, and also spiritual preparation …


Integral Psychiatry: Five Elements of Clinical Theory and Practice

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Pharmacological treatments are the mainstay of current psychiatric practice as effective treatments for a variety of mental disorders. Many recognize the inadequacy of a purely biological treatment for most patients. The psychiatric field appears to be shifting into a more integrative stance with biological and psychosocial treatments. With the vast array of therapies, the Integral approach attempts to embrace all schools of treatment into a coherent whole. Two elements of the AQAL framework — quadrants and levels — are introduced as relevant aspects for Integral Psychiatry.


What Are the Stages of Development?

What Are the Stages of Development? Take a cinematic journey through the major stages of human development, using a series of 22 carefully-curated film clips (and more than 30 video games) to illustrate some of the most important qualities of each stage. Because these stages are so difficult to point to in our immediate experience, we’ve compiled a series of …


Book Recommendations – Integral Life

Book Recommendations This is an always expanding list of books recommended by Integral Life team and community members. All of the books below are available in physical and digital formats, and many are also available as audiobooks. Integral Life Press New To Integral? For More Advanced Readers Integral Life Press:When the Buddha Needs Therapy Awakening is not what you thought. …


Grace and Grit: A Tale of Love, Loss, and Liberation

Grace and Grit A Tale of Love, Loss, and Liberation A short clip of Treya talking to a live audience about her journey, the only known footage of Treya anywhere in the world “It takes grace, yes — and grit!” – Treya Killam Wilber In 1983, Ken Wilber met the love of his life. Her name was Terry Killam, or …


Finding Your Power, Love, and Light: Morning Flow with Kundalini Yoga

Join Grant for a hybrid kata that combines movement and stillness to open the heart-mind for increased vitality and compassion. The arc of the practice starts with getting in touch with our deepest inspiration for practice, performing light calisthenics, energization exercises, moving through all 3 bodies (gross, subtle and causal). Once we’re warmed up, we engage a seated practice with …


Watch the Grace and Grit Film Trailer!


Ken Wilber’s acclaimed and globally popular book, Grace and Grit, has been made into a feature film starring Mena Suvari and Stuart Townsend, with Frances Fisher, Rebekah Graf, Nick Stahl, and Mariel Hemingway – produced, written, and directed by Sebastian Siegel. The film adaptation explores Ken and Treya’s courage, commitment, transcendence… and their discovery of love beyond life.


Grace and Grit: The Movie


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Today’s guest, Sebastian Siegel, is the screenwriter and director of the upcoming movie, Grace and Grit. The film tells the true love story of iconic, Integral philosopher Ken Wilber and his wife Treya. Based on the acclaimed book that chronicles Treya’s journals, they fall madly in love in 1980’s California and are immediately faced with illness and challenges that tear them apart. They overcome by finding a connection beyond this world, and love beyond life.

Live. Lead. Legacy.

Here’s what you told us: You want to be as healthy and vital as possible in this stage of your life, so that you’re not a burden on your loved ones, and more importantly so you can leave a legacy as strong as the life you’ve led. You want to continue developing your physical, emotional and mental bodies in a …


Kosmic Address: Everything In Its Right Place


Ken Wilber explores the notion of Kosmic Address — a universal “indexing system” that uses the integral framework to situate and constellate all known phenomena (physical, mental, and spiritual), as well our capacity to discern that phenomena. This allows us to not only better understand the nature of each component part, but also how that part relates to every other part and fits into the whole, revealing the hidden architecture of knowledge itself.


Coming Home: Between You and Love



Between You and Love is an innovative extension to the Coming Home web course that combines Christian contemplative practice with the Narrative Tradition of the Enneagram in order to uncover and overcome your unique obstacles to giving and receiving love in your life.

The question “What stands between me and love?” is central for all of us who are trying to live a more fulfilling and compassionate life. This web course will help deepen your relationships and explore what is working for and against you in your quest to love and be loved.

Whether you took the original Coming Home course or not, this new offering from Leslie will help you situate yourself exactly where you are in your own field of love.


Welcome to Integral Life Practice

Integral Life Practice Starter Guide Integral Life Practice is a comprehensive but astonishingly simple approach to well-being, awareness, and transformation. Rather than focus on merely one aspect of the self, ILP brings a whole and balanced approach to realizing the full spectrum of your being, providing you with the very best and most effective practices to help you Wake Up, …


Loving AIs: Bringing Unconditional Love to Artificial General Intelligence

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As part of our work on the Innovation Lab advisory board of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, I had the pleasure of sitting down with OpenCog founder and leading AGI researcher Ben Goertzel and IONS Innovation Lab director Julia Mossbridge to discuss LOVING AIs, a project aiming to design and develop an “unconditional loving” module for AGIs. In this interview, I dive into the rabbit hole of AGI with Ben and Julia to discuss the state of the field, what it would mean to program unconditional love into AGIs, and some thorny implications for the brave new world we’re entering.


The Healing Wisdom of the Christos

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Joan Borysenko takes us on her personal journey from Judaism to Yogananda to Jesus. Melding ancient wisdom, modern neuroscience, and positive psychology, her journey begins with a serious mental illness that remits after an experience of Divine Union as a 10 year old. It continues through the Judaism of her childhood, the discovery of the welcoming heart of Yogananda and her years of exploring mystical Christianity, Eastern meditation practices, and Judaism, all while running a mind-body clinic at Harvard.


Integral Healing: A More Complete Path to Wellness


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Lynne Feldman is a long-time student, supporter, and practitioner of integral living. Several years ago, she was diagnosed with two particularly nasty forms of cancer. This is her story, a remarkable and inspiring journey through some of the deepest, darkest, and most liberating regions of the heart. Listen as Lynne talks to Ken Wilber about her experience, weaving her personal story with a step-by-step breakdown of a far more comprehensive approach to healing that she crafted over several years — invaluable insights to aid you on your own path to wellness and wholeness.


ISIS: A Crisis of Modernity


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Our good friend Amir Ahmad Nasr, author of the provocative book My Isl@m: How Fundamentalism Stole My Mind—and Doubt Freed My Soul, recently wrote a wonderful article for that offers one of the most complete assessments we’ve seen on the rise of ISIS and its implications for the rest of the world. Listen as Amir and Ken take an in-depth look at the many important truths surfaced by this remarkable article.


Morphic Fields, Memory, and the Creative Advance


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The man behind the theory of morphic resonance shares his impulse to explore the evolutionary impulse behind the Kosmos itself. From physics, to chemistry, to biology, to psychology, to spirituality and more, these two pioneers share their understanding of how Spirit is manifesting moment-to-moment in and through the leading edge of consciousness awareness.


It’s Not Easy Being Turquoise: Jim Henson, The Muppets, and the Art of Integral Puppetry


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For two decades, Steve Whitmire has served as the performer behind the world’s beloved Kermit the Frog as well as other famous Muppets and Sesame Street characters. In this two-part dialogue, he discusses the impact the Integral vision has had upon his own life, career, and creativity, and opens the door to a possible future of explicitly Integral puppetry….